Dress rehearsals prepare students in confidence, entry, exits, stage dimensions and other important features of Performance. They are an important and exciting lead up to our Concert.
We please ask that you arrive at the theatre dressed and ready to dance to ensure all students have plenty of time on stage to feel prepared for the big day!
Dress Rehearsals are held at the Civic Theatre (cnr of Lords Place and Byng Streets) Please enter and exit the building using the back stage door via the car park to the rear of the building on Lords Place. Parents of students 6 years and under may accompany children and wait in the Green room (option to leave also), but it is theatre regulations that no one other than performers may enter the building. We will have a staff member at the back stage door to mark off names and direct students. Please note: All rehearsals in the lead up to Concert are CLOSED to observers and this is a condition stipulated by Theatre Management. Entry for performers for both Dress Rehearsal and Concert is strictly via Back stage door. A separate note explaining Concert Day Organisation will be given to students throughout wk 9.
Our Dress Rehearsals are complete stage, audio and technical rehearsals. HAIR, MAKE UP & COSTUMING IS REQUIRED for lighting and staging purposes as well as photography. Thank you for your co-operation. We really appreciate your efforts in ensuring your children; our star performers look their absolute best for the rehearsals and show.
Please pack a drink bottle and quick snack (if you are at the theatre for an extended period). Make sure you double check at the end of the rehearsal if you have collected your costumes and any accessories.
It is very hard to keep track of lost property between rehearsals and concert. We have had panicked phone calls concert morning in the past from parents and students looking for items left behind at rehearsals
Hair and Make up notes will be handed out in week 7
Please see over for dress rehearsal times
Friday the 9th December- Civic Theatre
4pm- 5pm
• Senior Contemp (Wed 5:45 class)
• Adv Jazz (Wed 5:45pm class)
• Junior Tap (Mon 4pm class)
• Grade 2 Ballet (Tuesday 4:45pm class)
5pm- 6pm
• Inter Contemporary (Monday 5:30pm class)
• Senior Jazz (Wednesday 4:45pm class)
• Adv Contemporary (Wed 4:45pm class)
6pm- 7pm
• Senior Ballet/ Inter Ballet and Pointe (Tuesday 6:15pm class)
• Cheer Skills class (Thursday 4pm class)
• Senior Tap (Wednesday 4pm class)
7pm- 7:30pm
• Thursday Performance teams (Sparks, Onyx and Sapphires)
• Pre- Senior Tap (Monday 7pm class)
Saturday the 10th December- Civic Theatre
9:30am- 10:30am
• Angelinas- Ducklings (Sat 9:30pm Class)
• 10 years under Tap (Tuesday 6:15pm class)
• Junior Contemporary (Mon 5:30pm Class)
• Angelinas- (Wednesday 10am class)
10:30am- 11:30am
• Angelinas- (Sat 10:15am Classes)
• 6 years Jazz (Monday 4:45pm class and Sat 11am classes)
• 8 years Jazz (Monday 4:45pm class)
11:30pm- 12:30pm
• Angelinas- (Thursday 10am class)
• Angelinas- (Thursday 10:45am classes)
• 10 years jazz (Monday 6:15pm and Wednesday 4pm classes)
12:30pm- 1:30pm
• Angelinas- (Mon 10am classes)
• Primary Ballet- (Tuesday 4pm class)
• Grade 4 Ballet x 2 (Tuesday 5:30pm class)
1:30pm- 2:30pm
• 12 years Jazz/ Hip Hop (Monday 6:15pm class)
• Boys HH- (Tuesday 4:45pm class)
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